About Us
The Photonic Devices Group operates at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano since 1996.
Our prime competences are in passive and nonlinear integrated optical circuits on both low index contrast and high index contrast platforms.
We are researching to increase the scalability of Photonic Integrated Circuit while reducing the design complexity.
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Our research is out on Nature Photonics!
In our latest publication, we determine the optimal bidirectional orthogonal communication channels through arbitrary and scattering optical systems using photonic processors. The processors consist of meshes of electrically tuneable Mach–Zehnder interferometers in silicon photonics. The meshes can configure themselves based on simple power maximization or minimization algorithms without external calculations…

Light: Science & Applications special issue on Optics and Photonics at PoliMi
The special issue between Politecnico di Milano and the journal Light: Science & Applications aims to highlight the most fascinating research works in optics and photonics performed recently at Politecnico di Milano, including basic, applied, and engineering research and applications. ⚫ Types of invited papers:Research Article /Review/Perspective ⚫ The particular…

SeyedMohammad presented at ECOC 2023
SeyedMohammad presented the talk “Setting up Multiple Free-Space Orthogonal Communication Channels Automatically between Photonic Chips” during ECOC 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland. This exciting demonstration of free-space communication between integrated photonic chips is a product of our close collaboration with the i3N Lab, Glasgow University, and Stanford University.

Our Photonic Computing paper is on Optica’s Top-Downloaded collection
Optica recently released its Top Downloads list on Integrated Photonics. The collection showcases top-viewed papers published in the field over the past year. You can read Optica’s News Release about our paper on Photonic Computing here, and read or download the paper here.

Our research was published in Science
From our department’s news outlet: Now we know how to realize and train photonic chips that use light to implement highly efficient neural networks. The result, enabling the growth of artificial intelligence systems and, to a broader extent, systems requiring very high computational capacity, has just been published in the Science in…

Our new paper on an integrated optical power monitor is out!
Our article “Inline Photothermal Surface Plasmon Detector Integrated in Titanium Dioxide Waveguides“, has just been published in the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. We report on the realization of an in-line Surface Plasmon Detector (SPD) that exploits the photothermal effect to monitor the optical power in a titanium dioxide (TiO2)…

Congratulations to our most recent Ph.D. graduates
We are very happy to share that Dr. Matteo Petrini and Dr. Christian De Vita successfully defended their Ph.D. theses on March 20th!Their work on “Mixed Signal Generic Testing in Photonic Integration” (Matteo) and “Multilayers for Photonics and MEMS applications from VIS to LWIR” (Christian) received extremely positive feedback from…

Warm welcome to our newest Ph.D. members
We are excited to welcome Francesca Grossi and Andres Martinez as the newest members of our group. They recently started the PhD program in Information Technology (IT) within the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB). You can read more about them and their research projects in our Members section.

We are on Light: Science & Applications
We are proud to announce that our work “Separating arbitrary free-space beams with an integrated photonic processor” has been published on Light: Science & Applications Abstract: Free-space optics naturally offers multiple-channel communications and sensing exploitable in many applications. The different optical beams will, however, generally be overlapping at the receiver,…

We are on the cover of the IEEE Photonics society magazine
We are proud to announce that we are on the cover of IEEE Photonics Society news magazine! Here you can find the magazine (PDF): https://www.photonicssociety.org/images/files/publications/Newsletter/Photo_Feb2022-web.pdf with our job at page 6 Thanks to anyone who contributed for this achievement, this will boost even more our research!