The special issue between Politecnico di Milano and the journal Light: Science & Applications aims to highlight the most fascinating research works in optics and photonics performed recently at Politecnico di Milano, including basic, applied, and engineering research and applications.
⚫ Types of invited papers:
Research Article /Review/Perspective
⚫ The particular interest within the Featured Issue’s scope include but are not limited to those listed below:
➢ Biophotonics and Medical Optics
➢ Optical Imaging and Display
➢ Optical Materials, Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals
➢ Optical Communications and Fiber Optics
➢ Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
➢ Optoelectronics Devices and Photodetectors
➢ Lasers and Laser Optics
➢ Micro, Nano and Integrated Photonics
➢ Nonlinear Optics
➢ Ultrafast Optics and Femtosecond/Attosecond Spectroscopy
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2024; click here for more details.