Annoni Ph.D. dissertation
On February 2nd, Andrea Annoni defended his Ph.D dissertation “Control strategies in large photonic integrated circuits” in front of a committee of selected experts.

Seminar on Silicon Photonics
The photonic devices group is pleased to invite you at the seminar: “Silicon Photonics: from academic clean rooms to commercial foundries” The seminar will be held by M. Sorel (university of Glasgow), F. Morichetti (Politecnico di Milano) and M. Zuffada (STMicrolectronics). Venue and date: Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da…

Summer School in Erice (Sicily)
The Italian Chapter of IEEE Photonics Society organizes the 1st School of Photonics on Photonic Integration: advanced materials, new technologies and applications The School will be held at the “Ettore Majorana” Center for Scientific Culture, in the small ancient city of Erice in Sicily, from the 25th of September to…

Morichetti invited talk at ICTON 2016
Francesco Morichetti, Laboratory Head of the Photonic Devices Group, has been invited at the 2016 edition of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2016 (Trento, 10-14 July 2016) to give a talk titled: “Electrochemical optical actuators: Controlling the light through ions” Don’t miss his presentation: Monday 11 July…

Best Junior Carassa Award 2016
Andrea Annoni, from the Photonic Devices Group, has won the “Best Junior Carassa Award 2016”. The Ph.D. student competition was held during the 2016 Meeting of the GTTI association (Gruppo Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie dell’Informazione). The awarded research titled “MIMO Photonic Integrated Unscrambler for Mode Division Multiplexing” was realized thanks to…

Melloni invited talk at Photonics in Switching 2016
Prof. Andrea Melloni, Group Leader of the Photonic Devices Group, has been invited at the 2016 edition of the Photonics in Switching Conference (Niigata Convention Center, 3-7 July 2016) with a talk titled “Control, Configuration and Stabilization of Photonics Integrated Circuits” Don’t miss his presentation: Monday 4 July 2016 –…

Invited talk at OFC 2016
Francesco Morichetti, Laboratory Head of the Photonic Devices Group, has been invited at the 2016 edition of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference (Anaheim, 20-24 March 2016) to give a talk on our transparent detector (CLIPP) developed during the BBOI project. Don’t miss his presentation: “ContactLess Integrated Photonic Probe: Concept, Technology…

Our talk at 2016 PIC International Conference
Our group will be speaking at the 2016 PIC International Conference in Brussels on March 1-2, 2016 with a talk entitled: “Taking a close, damage-free look at the light in photonic integrated circuits”. PIC International provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of this industry, from basic research to materials, equipment,…

Our research highlighted among the 2015 best results in optics
The research activity carried out by Stefano Grillanda and Francesco Morichetti, which was published in Nature Communications, has been selected by the Optical Society of America among the 30 most exciting optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months. This work has explored the crucial impact of surface…

Workshop on Photonic Integration
The Photonic Devices Group is pleased to announce that we organized the workshop the workshop “Envisioning the horizons of photonic integration”. Integrated technologies enable to generate, manipulate and detect the light on small photonic chips, potentially hosting hundreds of different functions. Yet, it is not clear what is still missing…