New research published in “Nature Communications”
An important result by Stefano Grillanda and Francesco Morichetti has been published in Nature Communications, this achievement paving the way to the development of miniaturized optoelectronic devices, with great advantages in terms of speed and power consumption. Their research has unveiled that light propagation through a silicon photonic waveguide, conventionally…

Stefano Grillanda best PhD in Information Technology 2015
Stefano Grillanda is the recipient of the 2015 Best PhD in Information Technology Award for his PhD thesis entitled “Devices and technologies for large-scale integrated photonics control”. The prize will be awarded during the Colloquia Doctoralia, that will take place at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria on September…

PoliFab, the new micro and nanotechnology fabrication center of the Politecnico di Milano, will be inaugurated on 3 July 2015. The ceremony will take place in Aula De Donado at 10:30; the Dean of Politecnico di Milano and the head of the department of electronics, information and bioengineering will attend the…

TOP SCORED paper at OFC 2015 Conference
Our contribution entitled “Hitless Monitoring of Wavelength and Mode-Division Multiplexed Channels on a Silicon Photonic Chip” (paper W1A.3) is among the TOP SCORED papers at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (2015). Come to Los Angeles to hear our talk and to learn about the CLIPP! PRESENTATION DETAILS

Melloni plenary session at
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2015
On Tuesday 14 April 2015, Professor Melloni will held a plenary session at SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2015 in Prague. “On the Complexity Limits of Photonic Integrated Circuits”. Photonic technologies enable today to generate, manipulate and detect photons by means of miniaturized optical devices integrated onto the same optical chip. However, compared…

nw model among the highlight of Journal of Optics
The paper “A unified approach for radiative losses and backscattering in optical waveguides” recently published by the Photonic Devices Group has been selected by the editors of Journal of Optics as a Highlight of 2014 for its high novelty, scientific impact and broad appeal in the light-matter interactions area. All…

Grillanda Ph.D. dissertation
On November 26, 2014 Stefano Grillanda graduated cum laude at the Politecnico di Milano with the PhD dissertation “Devices and technologies for large-scale integrated photonics control”.

EM-LEADERS applications are now open!
The Call of EM-LEADERS programme for Undegraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and Staff (Academic and Administrative) is now open. Deadline for Submitting the Application is 11th January 2015 Detailed info in the EM-LEADERS brochure

EM-INTACT applications are now open!
The Second Call of EM-INTACT programme for Bachelor, Masters, Short-term Doctorate, Post-Doctorate and Staff (Academic and Administrative) Mobility from Europe to Regional Asia and vice versa is now open. Deadline for Submitting the Application is 11th January 2015 Detailed info in the EM-INTACT brochure

Melati Ph.D. dissertation
On February, 26th Daniele Melati graduated cum laude at the Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering. He defended his Ph.D dissertation “A design kit perspective on InP-based photonic integrated circuits” in front of a committee of selected experts.