Andrea Melloni elected OSA Fellow
Andrea Melloni of the Photonic Devices Research Group was elected as a Fellow Member of the Optical Society (OSA). Founded in 1916, the Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional society for scientists, engineers, students and business leaders, who fuel discoveries, shape real-world applications and accelerate achievements in the science of light. Through world-renowned publications,…

A real breakthrough
“Non-Invasive On-Chip Light Observation by Contactless Waveguide Conductivity Monitoring” on JSTQE [Patented]

We are in SPIE Newsroom!
Read the article “Tunable photonic circuits: a leap toward system-on-a-chip optical integration” Tuning and trimming technologies are key to raising photonic integration from today’s single-device level to future optical architectures. 21 June 2012, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201206.004292 A. Melloni and F. Morichetti

Wave Mixing in Slow light
Four Wave Mixing in Slow light regime boosts wavelength conversion ! Read more on Nature Communications: Travelling-wave resonant four-wave mixing breaks the limits of cavity- enhanced all-optical wavelength conversion F. Morichetti, A. Canciamilla, C. Ferrari, A. Samarelli, M. Sorel & A. Melloni Nature Communications 2, 296, 3 May 2011 http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v2/n5/full/ncomms1294.html

A trilogy on optical backscatter
We have published a “TRILOGY” on optical backscatter in photonic waveguides. Theory, modelling, characterization, statistics of backscatter and it impact in circuits can be found in: PRL 104-3 Jan. 2010, APL 96-8 Mar. 2010, OL 35-11 June 2010. If you are interest on the backscatter of your waveguides, just contact…