(Breaking the Barriers of Optical Integration)
Challenging current Thinking FP7-ICT FET 2013-2016BBOI project aims to break the limitations of aggregating hundreds of functionalities into large scale photonic circuits boosting the complexity of photonic architectures well beyond the state of the art, but without increasing power consumption in proportion. A full-optioned multifunctional silicon photonic platform will be developed integrating on board novel sensor and actuator technologies for a reliable real-time monitoring, tuning and reconfiguration of the circuit behaviour.
BBOI success will make photonics to penetrate deeply in various ICT areas where conventional technologies are approaching their performance limits.
(Photonic Integrated Circuits Accessible to Everyone)
Coordination and Support Action H2020-ICT 2016-2018PICs4All aims to increase the impact of photonics and enable access to the advanced photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technologies for academia, research institutes, SMEs and larger companies. This will be achieved by establishing a European network of Application Support Centres (ASCs) in the field of PIC technology. The main task of the ASCs is to lower the barrier to Researchers and SMEs for applying advanced PICs, and thus to increase the awareness of the existence of the worldwide unique facility provided by JePPIX (InP and TriPleX PIC design, manufacturing, testing and packaging).
(Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with Tb/s Throughput interconnect & interfaces)
ICT-27-2015 – Photonics KETICT-STREAMS is an industrially driven research and innovation project with ambitious, but specific and well-defined technical objectives, designed to deliver on the promise of solving the pressing interconnections needs of data center architectures at the server blade level. The project consortium has been selected so as to include the entire technology development chain, comprising a high quality blend of strong Industrial and academic organizations.
Download the brochure.
(Leading mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and Research)
Erasmus Mundus 2013-2016EM LEADERS is a scholarship programme for students and researchers/professionals on Undegraduate, Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral as well as Academic and Administrative Staff members from South-East Asia to European Union and vice versa.EM LEADERS is offering mobility opportunities of high quality students, emerging, early stage and established researchers and administrators. The main areas of interest – Electrical, Electronics engineering and Information and Communication Technologies, Photonics, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Power systems and energy, Informatics, Communication Engineering and Microwaves.
(It’s Time for CollaboratioN TowArds Close CooperaTion)
Erasmus Mundus 2013-2016EM INTACT is a scholarship programme for students and researchers/professionals on Bachelor, Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral as well as Academic and Administrative Staff members from Regional Asia to European Union and vice versa. The main areas of interest are the STEM Disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) but with specific priorities for researchers in Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Information and Communication Technology; Photonics; Biomedical Engineering; Computer Engineering; Energy and Power Systems; Informatics; Telecommunications; Mathematics; Physics.
(Erasmus Mundus) 2011-2014
Strengthening Training and Research through Networking and Globalisation of Teaching in Engineering Studies
Mobility of high quality students, emerging, early stage and established researchers and administrators into Europe from the East-Asia region. The main areas of interest – Electrical, Electronics engineering and Information and Communication Technologies, Photonics, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Power systems and energy, Informatics, Communication Engineering and Microwaves.
PARADIGM (Photonic Advanced Research And Development for Integrated Generic Manufacturing)
The objective of PARADIGM is to effect a fundamental change in the way photonic integrated circuits (PICs) based on indium phosphide (InP) are designed and manufactured in Europe, with the aim of reducing the costs of design, development and manufacture and making more complex and capable designs possible than ever before.
Our group will help to establish a generic, design-rule and library-based methodology for photonic ICs thanks to our experience in characterization and our unique circuit simulator Aspic (
SAPPHIRE (Shared Access Platform to PHotonic Integrated REsources)
PRIN 2009: 2011-2013
SAPPHIRE aims to implement an innovative approach to facilitate the access to
photonic integration technological platforms, un particular Silicon Photonics, to
end users, Universities and research centers. The selected silicon foundry is the
Microfabrication Center of the Glasgow University.
SPLASH (Slow Photon Light Activated Switch)
SPLASH addresses the issues of optical switches, tuneable delay lines and optical buffering that is essential for realising the vision of all-optical data processing. The consortium is realising these functions by exploring optical slow light structures based on coupled ring resonators and photonic crystal waveguides. W
euroPIC (European manufacturing platform for Photonic
Integrated Circuits)
FP7-STREP: 2009-2011
The main aim of EuroPIC is to develop a generic technology that is capable of realizing complex PICs from a small set of basic building blocks. With this aim, a consortium consisting of Europe’s leading PIC manufacturers, photonic CAD companies and Indium Phosphide (InP)-semiconductor research laboratories has joined forces with a number of pilot users, both SMEs and larger companies.

Progetto ROCCA 2010
A cooperation program with MIT (Materials Processing Center/Microphotonics Center, Prof. L. Kimerling) and Clemson University (Materials Science and Engineering, Prof. K. Richardson). The focus is on chalcogenide glass micro-resonators for advanced low-power nonlinear optics and photosensitivity characteristics in the visible and IR spectrum.
NANOCAP (Novel NANOstructured optical Components for CBRN detection and high performance oPto-microwave links)
The aim of this project is to demonstrate a remote controlled mobile platform for sniffing a suspect item and/or dangerous area, having on board a set of complementary CBRNE sensors to provide a safe diagnostic obtained through data fusion between various sensors.
NANOCAP nano-chips are based on photonic detection and optical narrowband filtering and exploit a silicon based nanophotonic technology.
BIOsensors for point detection based on nanostructured opTical components for quick deploYment in an overall CBRN EuroPEan operational capability