Our paper has been selected as “Spotlight on Optics” of Photonics Research November
Spotlight Summary by Vincent Billault Coherent self-control of free-space optical beams with integrated silicon photonic meshes Programmable photonic circuits are enabling technologies for the processing of free space optical beams. The arbitrary manipulation of light beams is crucial for free space optical systems, especially in imaging and communications applications. Spatial…

ECIO 2022 will be hosted by our group!
The European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) is the largest and longest-running event dedicated to cutting-edge research and technological development in integrated photonics and nanophotonics, spanning from advanced materials and technologies to novel device concepts and emerging applications. ECIO has now reached its 23rd edition and will celebrate its 40th…

Our paper is the most downloaded of Photonic Research (Optica)
Our paper “Coherent self-control of free-space optical beams with integrated silicon photonics meshes” published in Photonic Research is currently the top downloaded paper of Optica (OSA) publishing group. https://www.osapublishing.org/prj/home.cfm Link to the paper: https://www.osapublishing.org/prj/fulltext.cfm?uri=prj-9-11-2196&id=460684

Our paper is in the editor’s highlights on Nature Communications!
We are excited to announce that our paper” Polarization-transparent silicon photonic add-drop multiplexer with wideband hitless tuneability” has been featured in the 50 best paper recently published in the “Optics and photonics” area. The editors routinely replace papers as more great research is published at Nature Communications. Link to the editor’s…

We are on Nature with Photonic Chips for broadband connections
The first TOADM (Tunable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer) device capable of selecting and routing signals in network nodes in a purely optical manner, built on a silicon chip of only 2 mm2, has been demonstrated. The result, that will enable the growth of broadband in the optical networks of new 5G/6G communication systems…

First Polimi Photonic Integrated Congress
In the context of the Photonic Devices course held by Professor Melloni, the students had the opportunity of organizing and partecipating to a congress. Four students of the course, helped by our Ph.D. Christian De Vita, were elected as members of the Steering Committee while other students partecipated as researchers….

Programmable Photonics on TG1
Prof. Melloni and prof. Morichetti has been interviewed by R.A.I. for their paper “Programmable Photonic Circuits” published on Nature on October 7th, 2020. The interview has been held inside PoliFAB and was broadcasted in TG1.

Congratulations to Maziyar for defending his doctorate thesis “Design and Control recipes for complex photonic integrated circuits” on Dec. 17th and obtaining the PhD degree with honors (cum laude). He joined our group as a Post-Doc. researcher.

Someda prize at RiNEm 2020
Congratulation to Matteo Petrini and Maziyar Milanizadeh for obtaining the first Someda prize at Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo 2020 (RiNEm 2020) for the publication “FSR-free coupled microring resonators hitless photonic filter” http://www.elettromagnetismo.it/rinem2020/

We are on Nature with Programmable Photonic Circuits !
We are very proud to announce that our Review Paper “Programmable Photonic Circuits” has been published in Nature! , a joint collaboration between us and first line institutions and researchers. Programmable photonic circuits on Nature Programmable photonic circuits manipulate light on a chip through software software control, instead of hardwiring…